
Thank you for visiting! This is my blog and Iwill write about horses and riding here.

torsdag 29 april 2010


I tried to send a picture to the blog today, but it didn't work. I have to email them to get it to work so hopefully I will get all of this and keep you posted on the go.

Chestnut week!

This week I'm riding three horses and I can feel it in my back! I'm riding Jasmine, Daisy and Colorado, chestnut week for sure!
Jasmine is the one I'm leasing so I ride her a lot and sometimes I ride Colorado too, but Daisy I've only ridden a couple of times before.
I like riding many horses because I want to get better and it keeps me trained.
I need to train my muscles because at this point I'm not using them correctly and I need to, but I'm getting there!
Tomorrow they are getting their springshots and then they are off until tuesday




tisdag 27 april 2010


This is Jasmine, the horse I'm riding.

måndag 26 april 2010


This is my blog! I'll write here about horses and riding from my point of view. I hope I'm not going to bore you,to much :P

Tomorrow I'm going to ride some horses, That will be fun! I'll write more then because I'm tired now. Iwill write something about myself then too.